We are specialised in developing and applying multi-criteria spatial decision support systems. Our major goal is to assist our customers to effectively manage enterprise-wide processes and enable spatially aware decision making. Our services are completed with customer support, on-site or online trainings and consultations to build decsion aiding capacities in private and public sectors.
Experienced in IT, GIS and dataviz consulting we have been providing technology driven services since 2011. Our business consultancy is specialized in, but not limited to high-quality enterprise business solutions. We are also active in training covering a wide range of ICT tools and support services.
Process analysis
Our as-is process analysis or current state analysis is a process management strategy that identifies and evaluates a business's current processes. Our current state analysis focus on an entire business organization or on one or more specific processes within a unit, department or team.
Decision support
We have decision support system that is a computerized program used to support determinations, judgments, and courses of action in an organization or a business. It analyzes massive amounts of data, compiling comprehensive information that can be used to solve problems and in decision-making.
Geospatial information
The word geospatial is used to indicate that data that has a geographic component to it. This means that the records in a our datasets have locational information tied to them such as geographic data in the form of coordinates, address, city, or ZIP code. Spatial and tabular data are tighlty integrated in our datasets.
Project management
Our project management is the application of knowledge, skills and techniques for successful work and efficient use of resources to achieve project objectives and organisational goals. Depending on solution development strategy we use traditional and customised types of project management.
Content management
Content management is typically used in reference to administration of the digital content lifecycle, from creation to permanent storage or deletion. In our case the content management is the process for collection, delivery, retrieval, governance and overall management of information in any format.
Reporting and mapping
We use our geographic information system as a framework for gathering, managing and analyzing data. Our business or enterprise reporting refers to the regular provision of spatial and tabular information to decision-makers within an organization to support them in their work.
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